(article provided by Darryl Timms)

Mt GravattSeven Men’s Shed Carina members visited the Mt Gravatt Men’s Shed recently to play bridge with 5 of their members. A most enjoyable and rewarding morning and more importantly for our bridge players, they did all right! It seems that there will many more games with Mt Gravatt shed and hopefully other sheds to come.

Bridge is the ultimate card game. You are required to play your cards, and at times your partner’s cards, to maximise the number of tricks taken, a skill that will stimulate your brain and your memory. The benefits include a sharper brain, greater memory function, social interaction and many pleasant hours together with other shed members. Playing Bridge can be addictive. It has been said; that once you play bridge you will lose all interest in other card games.

It is the ideal game for reducing the risks associated with aging but to learn the game can be demanding. However, Men’s Shed Carina has the answer. We are fortunate enough to have an excellent teacher who has been whipping the current bridge players into shape. Julian Collis has the skills to deliver a series of lessons for all shed members who are willing to learn. Clearly it has been through his efforts that our members have the ability and confidence to venture forth into the world of bridge.

Should you recognize the benefits of playing bridge and want to know more, than our shed has the ideal opportunity for you to learn in a non-threatening, informal environment with other members of our shed. Julian is about to start a new series of lessons for beginners and there will be a group of his past graduates and other knowledgeable players to assist.

To summarise, experienced players, inexperienced players and beginners, are encouraged to join the shed bridge players every Thursday morning at the shed 9am to 12 noon. Not sure and want to know more, than speak to Julian or one of the guys who have already been hooked i.e. Darryl Timms, Peter Carter, Peter McAuley, Dave Hambly, Graeme Fraser, Murray Frampton, John Carmody.